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For a Smarter, Faster, and Effortless Communication

Meet Aura: Your AI-Powered
Email Assistant

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Effortless communication

Write better emails in less time

Aura transforms the way you write emails, saving you time and ensuring your communication is polished and professional. From quick drafts to refined edits, she adapts to your style and needs.

Smart inbox management

Get real-time updates on emails that need your attention

With Aura, your inbox becomes a productivity tool, not a source of stress. She prioritizes emails, highlights urgent replies, and helps you stay organized without the hassle of manual sorting.

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Instant insights & summaries

Stay informed in seconds

Long conversations? Hidden details? Aura distills complex email threads into key points and retrieves essential information when you need it. Say goodbye to endless scrolling and searching.

Seamless global communication

Break language barriers effortlessly

Communicate fluently across languages with Aura’s translation feature. She preserves tone and context, making global collaboration easier and more effective.

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Draft like a pro

Create professional and engaging emails instantly—perfect for any occasion

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Polish your words

Aura enhances clarity, tone, and style for maximum impact

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Stay focused

Let Aura highlight the emails that need your attention the most

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Quick summaries

Get the gist of lengthy email threads in seconds

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Find what matters

Ask Aura to fetch important details from your inbox effortlessly

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Speak every language

Translate emails to and from multiple languages with ease

Aura, Your AI-powered email assistant

Experience effortless
email management now

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Any questions?

Aura is designed for professionals, business owners, and anyone who manages a high volume of emails. If you want to communicate faster, clearer, and more efficiently, Aura is the perfect assistant for you.

No, Aura has been meticulously trained to sound as human and natural as possible. She crafts emails that are professional, polished, and aligned with your personal tone.

Absolutely. Your data always belongs to you. Aura doesn’t share your emails, and your data will never be used to train any large language models. Additionally, you can turn Aura off at any time if you change your mind.

Yes, Aura is available instantly. Simply hit Cmd + J (Mac) or Ctrl + J (Windows) directly in your DoublOne inbox to activate Aura and start using her features in real time.

No problem! You’re always in control. You can review, edit, or refine Aura’s suggestions to ensure they meet your expectations before sending.